

a toot from wakest which says, -there should really be a 24/7 merveilles radio stream-

“riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.”


code is committed in GitHub here.

Community is hard to build and coordinate. Radio stations require community, but largely because they require coordination and try to structure their programs too tightly. What if we let go of that structure, and allowed a community stream of music, collaboratively DJ’d?

some details


The stream should be a public url. It’ll stream ogg, but we can convert a lot of stuff from original format to ogg, so upload formats will be somewhat flexible.


A database should keep a metadata record of all tracks played in the last 48 hours. This can be posted publicly as a playlist. Metadata older than 48 hours will be truncated to avoid retention and maintenance.

storage & transfer

Let’s assume we use SCP for transfer to the storage. All radio files can just be in one directory, we don’t need to impose a naming convention.

If a user’s upload exceeds the size limits of the service (see limits > file size below), the first-uploaded files will be kept, and those in excess of the file size limit will be deleted. If the upload consisted of a single file in excess of the file size limit, it will be deleted.

If a user’s upload exceeds the time limit (see limits > time below), the first-uploaded files will be kept, and those in excess of the time limit will be deleted. If the upload consisted of a single file in excess of the file size limit, it will be deleted.


The streaming application will select the next file according to the order in which the file was uploaded to the storage directory. Oldest file gets played next.

When a file has been played on the public stream, it will be deleted from storage, and the next-oldest file selected for play.

If there’s nothing to play, the application waits until there is something to play.


Authentication need only be at the upload here, since the metadata is not sensitive. Community members should understand that the metadata of their tracks, and their usernames, will be public information.

Authentication should require a key of some sort. I think using SSH keys makes sense, per contributor, since they are then individually revocable when necessary, and they can be used to SCP files to a directory somewhere. This isn’t as light on the user experience as uploading a file to a web interface, but it avoids the matter of federation and it avoids entangling a member’s identity on the radio with their identity elsewhere, which could be desirable, at their discretion.



We don’t want anyone hogging the airtime. Seems like 1200 seconds, 20 minutes, of airtime per contributor per day is enough, as read from the metadata of the file(s) they upload. This can be enforced by proxy in the file size limits too.

This can also be changed easily if the community wants to change it in the future.

file size

We don’t want anyone destroying the server with wild amounts of data.

When calculating audio file size,

Size = (Sample Rate)*(Bit Depth)*(No. Channels)*(Duration, s)

So let’s say you get 1200 seconds per day of contributions. Being extremely generous and assuming that’s 32 bit (!) music at 48kHz stereo,

Size = 48,000*32*2*1200 = 3,686,400,000 bits = 460.8 MB

Compression in FLAC is usually something like 60%, so let’s knock that back to 276 MB/day.

You get to upload not more than 276 MB/day, or 1200 seconds of audio, whichever you hit first.

file type

Only the following file types are permitted, and all others will be deleted from storage:

overall storage & time

We have to set some kind of maximum on the total storage used by all files in-queue, just in case. Let’s say that we don’t allow more than 48 hours of storage at 32 bit / 48 kHz FLAC, compressed to 60%:

Limit = 48,000*32*2*172,800 = 528,384,000,000 bits = 66.04 GB
66.04 GB * 0.6 compression = about 40 GB

Ok, let’s call it 50 GB limit on storage, total. When the service has this much data in its queue, a message is displayed on the playlist UI (public web page) and the upload mechanism is closed to authentication until the stored data drops below 30 GB, to avoid whiplash.

We should set a time limit too, which hopefully makes the storage limit only a secondary control. When the total playtime of all music in storage reaches 172,800 seconds, the upload mechanism is closed to authentication until the total playtime of all music in storage drops below 150,000 seconds. A message is displayed on the playlist UI (public web page) during this time.

toml configuration

The configuration file is called riverrun.toml, and here’s an example file.

# Where to find files to stream
StorageDir = "../queue/"

# Port for streaming
StreamPort = 8000

# Output directory for m3u file to configure streaming clients
m3uDirectory = "../"

# Accepted File Types, comma separated
AcceptedFileTypes = [ 

# Bitrate of channel, in kbps
Bitrate = 256

# Where the files uploaded by users will be stored
UploadDirectory = "../uploads/"

# Where the files converted will be stored
StreamDirectory = "../queue/"

# How long to keep metadata after play, seconds
Bitrate = 86400

# Should we display upcoming songs?
DisplayUpcoming = Yes


The converter program is a Go-based utility that processes audio files from a specified upload directory, converts them to the Ogg Vorbis format, and stores the converted files in a specified stream directory. The program continuously monitors the upload directory for new files and processes them as they appear. Unsupported files are deleted automatically.



The program uses a section of the TOML configuration shared with all these other components of riverrun. Here’s an example:

AcceptedFileTypes = [
Bitrate = 256
UploadDirectory = "path/to/uploads"
StreamDirectory = "path/to/stream"


Run the program with the following command:

go run main.go <config-file>


  1. The program verifies the presence of ffmpeg.
  2. Reads the configuration file specified as the first argument.
  3. Monitors the UploadDirectory for files to process.
  4. Converts valid files to Ogg Vorbis format.
  5. Deletes processed files from the upload directory and stores the converted files in the StreamDirectory.
  6. Waits for new files to appear if none are initially present.

error handling

directory monitoring

The program waits for files to appear in the upload directory by repeatedly checking every 5 seconds:

for {
    files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(uploadDir)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to read upload directory: %v", err)

    if len(files) == 0 {
        fmt.Println("No files to process. Waiting for files to appear...")
        time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

    // Process files...

file conversion

Uses ffmpeg for audio conversion:

cmd := exec.Command(
    "-i", inputPath,
    "-c:a", "libvorbis",
    "-b:a", fmt.Sprintf("%dk", bitrate),

uuid-based file naming

Ensures unique filenames for converted files:

func generateUUID() (string, error) {
    uuid := make([]byte, 16)
    _, err := rand.Read(uuid)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    uuid[6] = (uuid[6] & 0x0f) | 0x70
    uuid[8] = (uuid[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80
    return hex.EncodeToString(uuid), nil


logging and debugging

Running command: ffmpeg -i input.flac -c:a libvorbis -b:a 256k output.ogg
Failed to convert file input.flac: conversion failed
No files to process. Waiting for files to appear...





The streamer is a Go-based application designed to stream .ogg files over HTTP. It ensures reliable file handling by managing conflicts and avoiding interruptions caused by files being copied or used during runtime. The program supports dynamic configurations via a TOML file.



The program uses a section of the TOML configuration shared with all these other components of riverrun. Here’s an example:

# Directory containing files to stream
StorageDir = "../queue/"

# Port for the HTTP server
StreamPort = 8080

# Directory where the .m3u playlist will be saved
M3uDirectory = "../"


  1. The program reads its configuration from the TOML file specified as a command-line argument.
  2. The StorageDir directory is monitored for .ogg files to stream.




./streamer /path/to/config.toml






The playlist program manages a tiny sqlite database of metadata, receives currently-playing notices from the streamer program, and prunes the metadata database to avoid over retention.


The dashboard program grabs metadata about things which have been played from the playlist database and displays it to the public, so they know what’s playing now, and what was playing in the past.

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