
Finnegans Wake

Author Joyce, James
Published 1939
Status read
Rating 4/5

Wow. I finished it. I’m a Joyce fan, a dedicated reader, and this book is a mountain nonetheless. Ulysses is accessible and light by comparison. Ultimately, I liked FW a lot, I especially loved the last few episodes, and the transformation of Shem / Shaun as day approaches. There’s no denying Joyce his style, the whole thing is beautiful, and I’m sure benefits from a reread just like Ulysses, but the core problem is this: Ulysses is 60% more accessible, even to the dedicated Joyce fanatic, and Ulysses is still enough book to keep you reading for a lifetime. So why fight FW? I’m not sure I can justify it. I’ll read it again one day though and maybe I’ll finally break. 

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