
Metals and How To Weld Them

Author Jefferson, TB & Woods, Gorham
Published 1954
Status read
Rating 4/5

As with “Arc Welding Instructions” this book is extremely useful and extremely clear. It’s got a lot of metallurgy information in it, too. It’s not as useful as “Arc Welding Instructions” for the beginner, but it’s a good second read after that book, if you feel you need more.

Some of the metallurgy information is limited by what was known and practiced in 1954, but not drastically. No hobbyist will care about the things that have changed.

This is also a good read for designers. Read this and the previous “Arc Welding Instructions” and consider how little decades of progress in book design have bought us. These are spartan books, illustrated with black and white photos, tables, and sometimes hand-drawn graphs. They are nonetheless informative and easy to read. All this heat waste, all this thought, and the rules of design and good communication have not changed.

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